Questionnaire STP

Gender: Man Woman
Age: under 20
between 20 and 29
between 30 and 39
between 40 and 49
between 50 and 59
between 60 and 69
over 70
Job status: unemployed in school at the moment employed
I live in: Alba Iulia - down town
Alba Iulia - up town
Bărăbanţ (3)
Miceşti (4)
Oarda de Jos (5)
Partoş (6)
Pîclişa (7)
Oarda de Sus (8)
I do not live in Alba Iulia
In the past 12 months I have used means of public transportation: almost daily (5-7 days per week)
many times a week, but not dailymany times a week, but not daily
twice a week
once or twice a month
less than twice a week, but more than twice a month
less than twice a month, but more than twice a year
very rarely
In the past 12 months I have used more often: travel ticket on paper
subscription card
traveling points card
paying by SMS
At what time of the day do you usually travel: before 7.00
at rush hour (7.00-8.30 and 13.30- 18.00)
during the day (08.30- 13.30)
in the evening (after 18.00)
What is your main reason for using public transportation: traveling to and from the workplace
traveling to and from the place where I study
traveling for work purposes
going to/from shopping
visiting my friends/relatives
traveling for personal purposes
How satisfied are you with the public transportation network?
(the degree of coverage of the transport network, the routes, the possibility to access the network, the disposition of the bus stations, etc.)
very satisfied
very dissatisfied
I do not know